Demolition Man (1993)
In the year 2032, Simon Phoenix escapes from prison, on the verge of bringing crime to San Angeles. One man is called back to duty as a last resort. They call him... THE DEMOLITION MAN.
poster Demolition Man
6.7/10 (159.9K Stimmen)

Land:Vereinigte Staaten, 115 Minuten


Genre(s):Action, Science-Fiction, Thriller

Regisseur:Marco Brambilla


Nummer: 562

Frozen in 1996, Simon Phoenix, a convicted crime lord, is revived for a parole hearing well into the 21st century. Revived into a society free from crime, Phoenix resumes his murderous rampage, and no one can stop him. John Spartan, the police officer who captured Phoenix in 1996, has also been cryogenically frozen, this time for a crime he did not commit. In 2032, the former cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara have merged into peaceful, utopian San Angeles. Unable to stop him with their non-violent solutions, the police release Spartan to help recapture Phoenix. Now after 36 years, Spartan has to adapt himself to the future society he has no knowledge about.


photo Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone John Spartan
photo Wesley Snipes
Wesley Snipes Simon Phoenix
photo Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock Lenina Huxley
photo Nigel Hawthorne
Nigel Hawthorne Dr. Raymond Cocteau
photo Benjamin Bratt
Benjamin Bratt Alfredo Garcia

Medium: BD25 + DVD5,

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 2.35:1